Toronto City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam says she won’t be extending her role as vice-chair of the Toronto Board of Health when her appointment ends next month.
05/09/2021 at 10:15 PM Posted by Kevin Edward White
By Pete Baklinski, LifeSite News, May 7, 2021
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The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) voted last night to declare June “Pride Month” and to fly the homosexual rainbow “Pride” flag at all schools within the board for the entire month of June in defiance of Catholic moral teaching that warns against the spiritual dangers of homosexual behavior and in defiance of the local Archbishop’s directives on the matter.
“With this vote, the TCDSB stepped into apostasy. It is no longer Catholic,” Jack Fonseca of Canada’s pro-life and pro-family organization Campaign Life Coalition told LifeSiteNews.