U.S. stocks traded higher this morning, with the Dow Jones gaining over 100 points on Friday. Following the market opening Friday, the Dow traded up 0.37% to 34,016.77 while the NASDAQ rose 0.74% to 13,621.71. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.47% to 4,367.57.
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 250 points on Friday. The Dow traded up 0.94% to 34,211.92 while the NASDAQ rose 1.86% to 13,773.36. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 1.35% to 4,406.16.
U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining over 100 points on Friday. The Dow traded up 0.44% to 34,041.58 while the NASDAQ rose 0.92% to 13,646.21. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.60% to 4,373.61.
U.S. stocks traded mostly flat this morning, following the release of jobless claims data. Following the market opening Thursday, the Dow traded down 0.02% to 34,105.13 while the NASDAQ rose 0.01% to 13,651.18. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.01% to 4,382.36.
U.S. stocks traded slightly higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 50 points on Thursday. The Dow traded up 0.01% to 34,114.64 while the NASDAQ rose 0.35% to 13,697.53. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.16% to 4,389.61.