Residents of Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal, have described the terror they felt as a tornado tore through the area on Monday, leaving behind death and destruction.
People are providing meals, shelter and medical assistance to hundreds of people displaced by the two tornados that tore through KwaZulu-Natal on Monday.
The Green Scorpions strike again, securing a record R150m fine and criminal court conviction against a local municipality caught fouling the Vaal River.
The data “corrections” were made on Tuesday, 9 April 2024, several days after large numbers of marine and freshwater fish washed up dead in the estuary and along popular Umhlanga swimming beaches over the weekend.
We should only give our votes to political parties who commit to enforcing budget spend on water infrastructure maintenance and repairs to stop leaks, and to professionalising every sphere of water service provision with highly skilled, qualified staff who know exactly how precious every drop o.