Professor, what is the structure of your newest book breathe. Fear, flight and fortune. It is a letter, a series of letters to my son but also a letter to the o larger world, bh about the reality of anxiety, the worry that comes along with being a parent of lack children in particular black boys at this moment in the United States. But also filled with my desire for them to lead a life of beauty and joy in excellence and self regard. Much of which i think has lessons for an extraordinary tradition we have. Where you come up with the idea to write your sent a lett letter. I actually have written him letters privately for years but my editor at the beacon press said is this something need be interested in doing because i talk about my children all the time. I write post about them on social media, initially, what we both had in mind was something that was a bit more lighthearted but then when i started to reflect on what it would mean to try to tell a story to them about my expectation a