With the new year right around the corner, the Citizen Telegram takes a look back at the top five major stories to hit the press. The year 2023 was chock full of monumental stories. From.
James Sharrar is thanking his lucky stars the first lottery ticket distributor didn’t take debit cards. The 49-year-old Parachute resident and sheet metal fabricator is a longtime Colorado Lottery player. Earlier this month, he went.
James Sharrar is thanking his lucky stars the first lottery ticket distributor didn’t take debit cards. The 49-year-old Parachute resident and sheet metal fabricator is a longtime Colorado Lottery player. Earlier this month, he went.
James Sharrar is thanking his lucky stars the first lottery ticket distributor didn’t take debit cards. The 49-year-old Parachute resident and sheet metal fabricator is a longtime Colorado Lottery player. Earlier this month, he went.
Ask the town of Parachute about its annual off-roading rally Rockmageddon this year? Well, it simply rocked, a news release states. This year’s event ran from June 1-4 at Cottonwood Park and helped the town.