liability of the airline. the europeans say they re doing it because of this. but until germanwings they say it wasn t a perceived risk. the reason the americans have two people in the cockpit is so that one can always look through the spy hole if somebody s trying to get into the cockpit. nothing to do with pilots in the cockpit. tom fuentes in washington, from an investigative standpoint, are you surprised at the alacrity with which these airlines are moving on this? i m a little bit surprised by it. but don t forget that on 9/11, the very first fatality out of the 3,000 people killed was a flight attendant. so by putting a flight attendant in the cockpit, we have captains and co-pilots carrying guns on u.s. carriers. if one of them goes bad, that flight attendant is not going to be in a position to stop what might ultimately happen like what happened in this case. so, yes, it s a step that will help. mainly it would help if there s a medical emergency to make sure
there with sonar or anything else, you have to deal with mountains and valleys that could conceal any wreckage from you. bear in mind, this is important to think about. the wreckage may be scattered over big area but it also could be, as it was in the case of air france, contained within an area that would be only a few football fields in-in size. that is incredibly small in the midst of a very vast area. and one last point of reference in all this, remember, just the latest search area here is as big as the entire air france search area. and finding the wreckage under water there took two years. fredricka? all right. thank you so much, tom. a dawning task indeed. let s bring back our panel now, kip darby in atlanta and tom fuentes in washington. as you saw there, you know, finding the plane and the black boxes deep in the ocean will be quite the challenge. so with all this technology, is this now kind of if itch us the, i wonder, you know, for some sort of immediate tracking of
earlier, it is more likely that a pair of eyes are going to again identify something floating in the ocean and much of the detection equipment on board the aircraft. let me bring our panel back in, joined by cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes in washington and nick castaldo, spent 20 years at the if, aa and retired navy captain and diver bobbie scoley. bobbie, i ll start with you, if you were in charge of finding this airplane, what would you be doing right now? i d be doing pretty much what they re doing, get as many resources as possible trying to look for surface debris, get resources in that might possibly be looking for that pinger, although that s a long shot right now because there s so
for the call if it comes, what they had hoped to discover more than anything are survivors. this technology is so good it was actually used to help try and find amelia earhart s airplane. after the titanic was found it helped map that field and help people understand what happened to that ship. i m joined by cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes in washington, andrew thomas, editor in chief, live in cleveland, and bob b bee scholey is in washington. tom, let me start with you. i want to ask you about this phone call that was reportedly made, a call from the cockpit by the pilot before takeoff. does that raise any red flags for you? not necessarily. you know, the authorities would know pretty quickly what number was called, who was the subscriber of that phone, go to that person, what was the call
nothing is clear cut. we can t be sure at this stage whether the debris that s been sighted in the satellite imagery is related to the loss of the aircraft. it is the most promising lead that s available internationally, but there are any number of other explanations about what might have been sited as a result of this satellite imagery. i m joined by cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes in washington. andrew thomas, editor in chief of the trfgs security live in cleveland, and bobbie skoalland is here with us. bobbie, let me start with you. if the images picked up on the satellite are t not pieces of the plane, what might they be? well, if those images are not pieces of the airplane they could be any possible thing. they could be the floating