By Paula Scott Have intersections that you avoid or fear as a driver? The Icon hears complaints about a variety of locations. Here's a May 2023 vehicle crash report compiled from the Ohio Department of Public Safety crash report website. 05/06/2023 - Failure to yield right of way on SR 103 at SR 235, 3 vehicles - OSHP - Orange Twp. - Property Damage 05/13/2023 - 1 vehicle on
Why is there a “curve” on Bentley Road just north of Bluffton where the road crosses Riley Creek?
There’s also a curve on Tom Fett Road and on Phillips Road at about the same location.
On Phillips Road it s a serious twist, instead of being just a curve in the road. That’s because the Tom Fett and Bentley “jogs” have been modernized. Phillips remains the same at it was when it was originally laid out.
The simple answer to the question in the opening sentence is that the earth is round and that the early surveyors were trying to run straight lines on a sphere.
After a one-year covid-19 absence, Bluffton Sardines swim team is back.
The team competes in the Western Ohio Aquatics League (WOAL). In 2019, the most recent swim season, Bluffton finished second of eight teams in the league meet, closely behind Westside.
This year several members of the team competed Putnam County YMCA swim team and with Lima YMCA swim team. Several of those swimmers qualified for the Great Lake Zones championships in March at BGSU.