CEYLON Tuesday will be August 1, so most of the news items in this column pertain to August. Congratulations to the Lake Belt Bar and Grill in Ceylon who w
Sentinel Correspondent
CEYLON Tomorrow is the last day of February. Will March come in like a lion or a lamb? March 14 will be the day we change our clocks to Daylight Savings Time and the first day of spring is March 20. It also marks the one-year anniversary of the COVID lockdown. I am looking for signs of spring instead of dwelling on the fact that it has been a year for COVID protocol measures. Think positively.
Circle of Faith congregations will offer mid-week Lenten services at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Trinity Lutheran Church in Welcome. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Ceylon will host their dual congregation from Wilbert at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evening for their mid-week Lenten service. Area residents are encouraged to join these churches for Lenten services. Due to COVID regulations, there will be no fellowship lunch or meal after these services.