Makoto Shinkai s latest masterpiece, "Suzume," is set to enchant audiences on Crunchyroll starting November 16. This globally acclaimed film, lauded for its celestial visuals and coming-of-age narrative, follows Suzume s quest to close mystical doors wreaking havoc across Japan, promising a captivating odyssey of hope and closure.
​Following the resounding success of his earlier projects, anime enthusiasts eagerly anticipated Shinkai s next masterpiece. In 2022, their anticipation was fulfilled with the limited release of "Suzume" (known as "Suzume no Tojimari" in Japan), a highly anticipated creation. The idea for "Suzume" originated during Shinkai s nationwide tour, where he delivered speeches about his previous works. During his journey, he observed an increasing number of vacant and abandoned locations in Japan, a consequence of the nation s aging population and declining birth rate.