information to levy these variourms charges and to present evidence in federal court. now, what is this corruptions th that john durham is actually presenting to the american public? you first had in 2016, as i mentioned, confidential human sources spying on me, recording me wherenfidenti i was denying a i knew anything about russian involvement with the campaign thatnying in i knew russians ant donald trump had anything to do with the russians. ssia camthe fbi withheld this f. the fisa court. they then went based on this rmatioformation we learned from john durham the next month tn o rome to offer christopher rome,t steele $1 million to verify bog this bogus dossier, which they continued to base a fisa off warrants off of. and christopher steele said, well, you know what? of. i can t. so i m sorry.. the fbi ran amok under the komyr leadership t. they utilized both myselfboth m and the steele dossier tot warr continue to get warrantsan with absolutely no foundation, no wit basis. and t