After Day of High Drama, TMC's Abhishek Banerjee to Finally Hold Tripura Rally Today Following Court Order After a whole day of high drama, a Tripura court on Saturday night finally allowed a political rally by TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee to take place on Sunday. The leader will reach the state in the
Women have accused TMC leaders of sexual abuse, as a 'pre-planned ploy' by the BJP to malign the state government at a time when the Lok Sabha polls are underway.
India News: NEW DELHI: Trinamool Congress leaders on Monday approached the Election Commission of India alleging misuse of central agencies by the ruling BJP, and.
A team of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) headed by Vijaya Bharati Sayani also visited trouble-torn Sandeshkhali for the second consecutive day to investigate into allegations of land-grabbing by some TMC leaders. One part of the team, comprising three members, went to Jeliakhali, while another team comprising two members visited Sandeshkhali Police Station and also spoke to villagers.