Alcohol, the legal drug of choice
“Having a drink” is the great Australian tradition, the legacy of the “Rum Corps” of colonial Australia.
The harm alcohol consumption has done to our Indigenous and other Australian citizens in the years following colonisation is inestimable and irreparable.
It is, apparently, un-Australian not to drink alcohol. People who don’t drink are often labelled “wowsers” or “designated drivers”. Peer pressure has led to teens and young adults drinking until they pass out.
Alcohol advertising, especially associated with sports, must acknowledge the impact on social issues of alcohol.
Ten per cent of the Australian population are alcoholics. “AA” programs are in high demand, after the horse has bolted.
Hosting a pink fundraiser supports cancer fight
I am writing to encourage the community to help make a difference in the lives of mums impacted by cancer this Motherâs Day.
One in six Queensland women will be diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer in their lifetime - these women are our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.
Supporting is easy - you could turn Motherâs Day breakfast into a pink fundraiser or buy mum some pink ribbon accessories to don on the day, to help raise funds and awareness for womenâs cancers.
Every year, 4200 Queensland women are diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer.
Development has potential to do great harm
In response to your article on April 8 2021, on the proposed industrial development at 107 Artillery Road (titled ‘Concern Over CQ Recycling Facility’), I would like readers to know the full reality of the situation.
This development, if it is placed where proposed, has the potential to do great harm to the water catchment of the Fitzroy River.
I am all for progress, but the placement of this industry, with its huge concrete crushing plant and its management of construction and demolition waste, WILL release silica and other toxic chemicals into the water – and the air.