the zone with a ton of money.g agai and so i m running against democrat tim ryan , who has this tech backed fundraising platform on which he s raised. sixty five million dollars. s t that s somehow not a threatt wh to democracy when the technology industry promotes tim ryan s fundraising and when they suppress information related to our race, and others. but it is a threat to democracy when the people vote forreat t who they want to vote for anyway, it s ridiculous. it doesn t make anple votey sen, and it s why, tucker, people tuc need to get ouket therr,e and ve . they need to go to jd vanc .com and help us out. they need to not listen to the censors and to the warnings because you re right, we aree a free people and we need tle kno on november eight , if you believed in democracy, then youw would wantould each congressionl district or in a statewide district or in a statewide cl who most closely mirrored the views of the people they represent. correctar views. but tim ryan , who r
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