We are not to use prayer as a cursing. | Bible professor reacts to Louisville pastor s curse on those he says stole the election God is of love and grace, as well as wrath, Andrew Paris said of Louisville Bible College. The Bible condemns us telling God what to do in the cursing business. Author: Senait Gebregiorgis (WHAS 11) Published: 7:25 PM EST January 13, 2021 Updated: 7:25 PM EST January 13, 2021
LOUISVILLE, Ky. Backlash and questions were raised at a news conference with Louisville faith leaders Wednesday after Pastor Bob Rodgers of Evangel World Prayer Center declared a curse upon those who he claims stole the election from President Donald Trump.
A Wednesday celebration and commemoration of the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will be livestreamed to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).