For the 51st-annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, EWTN will be providing live coverage of the event, featuring expert guests and in-depth ana.
National March for Life is small, but group s message of solidarity with unborn strong as ever
Friday, Feb. 05, 2021
By Catholic News Service
WASHINGTON It was the coldest national March for Life in some years, it was the smallest, and it also may be remembered as the bravest.
A little over 200 people, tightly flanked by members of the Knights of Columbus, endured subfreezing temperatures and wind as they sang hymns and trudged a zigzag route with Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund, from the Museum of the Bible to the Supreme Court Jan. 29.
Mancini acknowledged “that we’re all symbolically marching, and we’re all in solidarity with each other.”