The Netflix original series was produced by Nworah, and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, with acting by Ini Edo, Chidi Mokeme, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Mercy Eke, Nancy Isime, Zubby Michael, Uche Jombo, RMD, and Peter Okoye of P-Square.
Shanty Town, a Netflix original series produced by Chinenye Chichi Nworah and directed by Dimeji Ajibola, features Ini Edo , Chidi Mokeme, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Mercy Eke, Nancy Isime, Zubby Michael, Uche Jombo, RMD, Peter Okoye (Psquare)
By Monsurudeen Olowoopejo 27 January 2021 | 11:08 am
The convener of Africa’s largest cultural fusion, Culturati, Idris Aregbe, has said that the movement would continue to leverage on the continent’s rich culture to retain employment in the tourism sector and boost Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021 beyond projected limit.
Aregbe said that Culturati would be aggressively promoting tourism to ensure that Nigerians depending directly on the sector for survival retain their jobs in the New Year.
He stated that the sector which had previously contributed 5.1 percent to Nigeria’s GDP could aid the country’s economic growth beyond the 1.1 percent projected for 2021 by some experts if well harnessed and cultural potentials unleashed to address the country’s need.