Meeker Herald ~ 125 years ago The baseball boys had their first practice game last Sunday and will soon be ready to meet the nine from Goff’s Crossing, the Rifle Sluggers, or the New Castle Terrors. This section was visited by a good downpour of rain Thursday night, which was very much needed as the
Jamie Martin has been sunshine in a cloudy season for Maggie Walker Governor’s School basketball.
It’s almost unfair. She’s so talented, so savvy, so confident… and she’s only a 14-year-old freshman.
Roosevelt's Taegan Olson, Alea Piddington and Rylie Kreiger each earned all-state recognition based on their performances earlier this month in the Class 4A all-state gymnastics championships.
The Adams 12 district, responding to an increase in the number of students who are new to the country, opened a center to support them in their first year.