Shares of Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LON:GSF – Get Free Report) traded up 5% on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as GBX 79.54 ($0.98) and last traded at GBX 79.30 ($0.97). 1,111,837 shares were traded during trading, an increase of 24% from the average session volume of 898,688 shares. The stock had […]
Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LON:GSF – Get Free Report) shares traded down 1.5% on Thursday . The stock traded as low as GBX 78.80 ($0.96) and last traded at GBX 78.80 ($0.96). 686,207 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 9% from the average session volume of 751,626 shares. The stock had previously […]
Shares of Gore Street Energy Storage Fund (LON:GSF – Get Free Report) fell 1.5% on Thursday . The stock traded as low as GBX 78.80 ($0.96) and last traded at GBX 78.80 ($0.96). 686,207 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 9% from the average session volume of 751,626 shares. The stock had previously […]