2022 saw 120 completed IPOs or M&As with a total value of $20.6 billion, down from 261 exits with a total value of $23.6 billion in 2021, according to annual IVC-LeumiTech report
Israeli ad tech and app monetization firm to become wholly owned subsidiary of San Francisco-based Unity Software; all-stock transaction to close by end of 2022
ironSource (NYSE:IS – Get Rating) was downgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a report issued on Wednesday, Zacks.com reports. According to Zacks, “ironSource provides business platform which enables mobile content creators to prosper within the App Economy. ironSource, formerly known as Thoma Bravo Advantage, is based in […]
Private equity's secret sauce has long been its knack for operationally transforming businesses. The name of the game is growing market share, revenues and profits before selling.