Ancient Greeks, Biblical figures and even modern people experience visions, with or without hallucinogenic drugs as very real episodes and act accordingly.
We can live the deeper meaning of the Christian vocation This deeper significance is the reason for the Baptism of Jesus and its baptismal connection for us is why, in the Orthodox and Eastern .
Home blessed home: Local priest shares spring ceremony
LEE WARD, The Daily Independent
April 3, 2021
ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) If ever houses need to be blessed, it’s now.
After more than a year of fighting an ongoing pandemic, most are ready for a cleansing and Father Mark Elliott of St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Huntington is trying to bring them some peace.
Since January, Elliott has been performing the ancient ritual of house blessings.
“Home owners want a cleansing,” he said. “We talk about spring cleaning. This is spiritual cleaning at the start of the year. You’re cleaning your house for the year for the kingdom of God.”