the networks for their own purposes of getting ratingss decide who gets the most time. t give everybody exactly the same amount of time, put it on a clock and when their time isfi finished it s over , their mikes cut off. that sou one way that would c improve it a lot.ou and i ve got a lot of other things that could do it.t. but the big step has been done today and thank god, ron, that youou a and others have doe it and i hope the press will just slowly melt away like water on the wicked witch of the west. yeah, yeah. they act like they reth the story. rana and this hasn been going on since i ve been watching presidential debates, which is since i wasen really in college like nineteen eighty eight nineteen eighty four. but it ss not about the press, it s about the people and themo issues. crto but i think democrats are really afraid to be out on that stage with none of the protective bubble wrap they ve had as governor. huckabee noted over all these years, i think they ref petrified
0 thank you for being with us. you make a show possible, but s we do hopeet you ll remember to set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity and tomorrow i will alwaysom promise to give you news you d never get from the media mobob. in the meantime, let notrt your heart be troubled. the ingraham angle is next . bgr have a great night.ou see you back here tomorrow. i m laura ingram . this is ingraham angle at federal district judge in tampa has vacated by the cdc national mandate for planes and other modes of public transportation are going to have more on this monumental ruling. i m ruling for freedom just a bit but for now sinora sucker. we begin tonight with the old debate trap. that s the focushat s the f of s angle. now imagine asking nick saban to tolerate a game or all the referees are known to hate the alabama football team. now, in fact, these referees have made public statements saying how much they despise the crimson tide. well, that s prettyti much been the situation