welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight. wattd vote for his head in ae fo jar of blue liquid over donald trump. head ii think it s a moot pointa at this point.joe bi he s kind of love. joe biden fighting father timeai . is that laptop of yours? i don t know. i trul?on t knoy you don t know. the series answer is that i truly do not know the answer to thatrult. hunter s ex-wife takes the stand. okay. they re building out one build out to build out. our goal is to drive people and who seek and need humanitarian relief into the lawfulmanitari,f safe and orderly pathways to the white house cheat sheet for illegals. plus, get off my plane. fox news alert. breaking details : fo on donaldump s se trump s search for vice president reports out tonigh ut that say the trump campaign has begun the process of formally requesting information from a small group of potential running mates.g, the vetting process has begun. the potentiantial candidatesr do are north dakota governor
house committees are referring hunter and james biden to the departmentrio james of justr criminal prosecution for lying to congress under oath. the referrals say hunter lied about joe s involvement in thely biden family s schemes, among other things. and james biden lied amo about a not meeting a number of hunter s shady associates. numberhunters speaker mike jn is calling on the attorney general to acthe a. these are clear violations of federal law and this is an opportunit violatis ofy for merk garland, the attorney general, to prove if he wants to demonstrate genov that therer a two tiered system of justice, then they need to us systeeriate the mechanisms, the appropriate steps that the department of justice should taketh in a case like this. w hunter biden s worst nightmare came true today. his ex-wifnightmare, ex-girlfrid and gun dealer all testified under oath while his wifeile hi and stepmom watched. david spunt was in the courtroom today. davis inwhat happened, david?sy