Acting United States Attorney General, before we get into the weeds on legal issues, we will make it interesting. I want to discuss history with you. History is lost on prosecutors, on the debate shows. It is lost among lawyers, talk about january 6. It was an insurrection. No, it wasnt. We had contentious president ial elections in the past, i mean really contentious, some almost lead to civil wars, one did in 1800, Thomas Jefferson and his chosen president ial pick aaron burr tied for first place. Back then ballots were separate. It was 73 to 73 electors. Due to a communication error, or aaron burr lead conspiracy, he was disloyal to jefferson, jefferson was running against adams at the time but he got 65 el Electoral College on votes, they had over 30 votes back and forth, house was to choose the next president , hamilton had great power, he disliked jefferson. But he hated aaron burr. So finally what happens is hamilton, he was the first treasury he turned tide by lobbying his fell
As an industrial giant at the forefront of a Major Economic revolution, and according to his ideological worldview we should have produced radical socialist and communist movements. A couple of things were wrong with that comment. There was an american left. There was a socialist party. It was even winning elections on a city, state, and ultimately a couple of congressman. There were real communists. 1860, there were communists clubs in several major American Cities come marxist communist clubs. First International Working association was at home in the u. S. , and indeed for a decade there was a coalition of european socialists and coming , some american reformers of whom figured in my book on american reform. The sociologist was less concerned about this, but there were extremes on the right in america. Arch conservatives, libertarians differed from anarchists i will lump them in with anarchists in a bit, but extreme libertarians who believed private property was sanctified you will