- we re rurunning agaiainst a n who s s potentialllly gonna e the firsrst black mamayor ofof new york.k. - - democrat d david dinkiks has s defeated rerepublican r rudolph giuiul. [tenense music]] - - in city hahall, ththere was a a space inin the bowelels of thahat ancient t building that camee to be known as the lair. that s where the cigars would be smoked. and that s where giuliani s inner r circle would watch thehe godfatherer over a and over... [chuckles]s] and overer again. - godfatheher. - rudydy is famoususly obsessd withth the godfdfather. - rudy giuiuliani is a a littlet of e everybody i in that fil. one e night, he e had a showog ofof the godfdfather. and d he sits bebehind me, and duriring the entntire mov, he e explains why the lilife of polilitics is exaxactly the l life ofof the godfafather. and, of cocourse, inin the one s story wherere sonny cocomplains to the gododfather ththat they shshould be selling g drugs, and yoyou see thisis battle within t the
kramer: take one! jerrrry: no! krkramer stop p it! jajason alexanander: and boom, ththere you gogo, a situtuation comemedy. sheldodon: bazingaga! tim allelen: this twtwenty -t-three minututes of magic. lucycy: it s soo tasty, too! tracy morgan: you fell in love with these characters. arnold: whwhat chu talkin about willllis? geri jewell: we need to laugh at ourselves. joey: yoyou hide my y clothe, i m wearining everything you ow. constance e wu: lalaughter o opens you u u. haley:y: okay ready? sururpri! [screamingng and chaosos] mara b brock akil:l: the thinings that wewe might bee afraid to o talk aboutut. bobow: some pepeople thatt were supposed to protectct us d didn t do the right t thing. tim reid: like racism. son: so ththe cops are the babad guys? dre: yeses. bow: n no. kim m fields: clclass wars ralplph: money!! i m a a millionairire. dadan levy: anand gender diverersity. sarah:h: dad? mamaura: hi girls.s. ted dansnson: you cacan reach id rereally touchch people s
and i m alex marquardt in washington. next up we have the whole story with arnd cooper investigating the whole history of the running of the bulls. good night. every summer, cities across spain participate in a centuries old tradition called the running of the bulls. it began as a way to transfer bulls from the country to inside city walls, where they were either sold or used for bullfighting. the most famous bull run is in pamplona. it s part of the san fermin festival. and it has attracted tourists from all over the world since ernest hemingway popularized it in his 1926 novel, the sun also rises. but the event is not without controversy. many of the bulls who run are later killed in the bullfighting ring. animal rights groups have been calling for an end to this in spain. and it s also dangerous for the people who choose to run. cnn s david culver, went to the san fermin festival to take a a closer look k at y ththis traditionon still hols after so many centuries, and
it s s brave. itit s ferocioious. it d doesn t bacack downwn from anytything. run.n. [mususic playingng] my firstst piece of f advice toto anyone isis don t runu. bill hillmann: when he hit me, i just shot straight up in the air, twisted in the air. tasio blazquez mutsaerts: when i fell, i just i was thinking, oh my, oh my. dadavid culverer: can t bebele i i m doing ththis tomorror. denis clancey: that bull can turn on a dime and come after you. bill hillmann: he smashed into daniel jimeno romero full speed, and gored him in the aorta, severered his aoror. denis clancecey: last amererin to d die in sanfermines, died right here. [chatttter] every y day, someoeone s lifes a lilittle alterered or compmpy altered because of this run. [screaming] [bells chiming] peoplele prepare all year for this. ththey train f for this. it s a sererious thingng. there e are bull r runs all l over spainin. but a lot t of runnersrs end upe in p pamplona bebecause theyeyg the biggest, the most fea