“The View’s” Whoopi Goldberg should’ve stuck to acting and left the political commentary to those with common sense. “Play a scene from ‘Sister Act,’” Jaco Booyens tells Sara Gonzales. “That was her best moment, and then it went downhill from there.” But Sara thinks Goldberg’s latest Trump tirade is.
briefing to the public. so tonight we actually know a lot more than we knew this morning about all of these unusual developments including donald trump s response. the public intelligence briefing concludes that vladimir putin directed the hacking and propaganda into the american election to undermine public faith in the u.s. democratic process, and harm her electability and potential presidency. and overtime they said it appears it might win. and then putin and the russian government developed a clear preference for trump. it includes typical reasons that are interesting and not remarkable like the view trump s foreign policy would favor russian s interest in the middle
lot more than we knew this morning about all of these unusual developments including donald trump s response. the public intelligence briefing concludes that vladimir putin directed the hacking and propaganda into the american election to undermine public faith in the u.s. democratic process, and harm her electability and potential presidency. and overtime they said it appears it might win. and then putin and the russian government developed a clear preference for trump. it includes typical reasons that are interesting and not remarkable like the view trump s foreign policy would favor russian s interest in the middle east. it would give putin leverage. leverage over trump and leverage