The Princess Man (Korean Drama, 2011, 공주의 남자) - Find the cast, latest updates, latest news, legal streaming links, DVDs, Blu-rays, collectibles, latest trailers, latest teasers, latest pictures, posters, images, videos for the Korean Drama The Princess Man with ,Park Si-hoo,박시후,Moon Chae-won,문채원,Hong Soo-hyun,홍수현,Song Jong-ho,송종호
Lifestyle magazine Singles released a photo shoot with
Moon Chae-won who displayed meticulous performance in the tvN drama
Moon Chae-won appealed to the charm of an elegant and beautiful woman, completely naked of the character in the film, which she played as a detective. In this shoot,
Moon Chae-won showed a flawless pictorial with a completely different style, ranging from a long dress with a smooth silhouette to a comfortable and casual denim shirt.
In particular, the sight of her staring at the camera in a dress with a deep back made even the female staff on the set heart flutter.