This clunky Disney+ K-drama dud follows two friends (played by Lee Jae-wook and Lee Jun-young) who plot to take over a Korean corporation, and the woman (Hong Su-zu) who comes between them.
Business thriller K-drama The Impossible Heir starring Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young, Hong Su Zu released its final two episodes-11 and 12. Let’s take a look at the finale episodes as we review them .
Business thriller K-drama The Impossible Heir starring Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young, Hong Su Zu released much anticipated episodes 9 and 10. Let’s take a look at the episodes as we review them further
Kim Jae-wook, Lee Jun-young and Hong Su-zu struggle through Disney+ K-drama The Impossible Heir, a weakly scripted series that, two-thirds of the way through the show, is still a confusing mess.
Much anticipated business thriller K-drama The Impossible Heir starring Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young, Hong Su Zu finally made its premiere. Let’s take a look at the episodes as we review them further.