he said we re going to probably detach at 40,000 feet. it ended up 45,000 to 50,000 feet. he s the big picture guy who has been just so excited about putting this all together. and what you re hearing behind me is the voice, the show that virgin is putting on as they approach that 45,000 level where they detach from the mothership. may gemson, you trained for this thing, you know the only way peter remembers whether tom or i were on the flight with him if you threw up. humans are trying not to throw up. you trained for this stuff. these six people on the flight are going to go through this motion. they ll be weightlessness and then that craft will start to come down toward earth literally as peter described with the help of gravity. what does it feel like? think about being on a big rollercoaster. as you re going up, as you ve
meeting with republican senators and how it went. the allegation that he is light on details comes from a republican senator. now, not a named republican senator which i guess would qualify as fake news in donald trump s mind, not mine. that s not from the news media. that s from a republican senator. second, donald trump has said as much repeatedly, that he s the big picture guy. he s not the in-the-weeds guy. look at his career outside of politics. he s the face, he s the face of the brand. he doesn t do the intricacies of the deals. he comes in at the end, closes them, shakes hands and goes on tv and talks about them. this is not inconsistent with who he s been his whole life. the closer picture remains to be seen. a.b., chris, david, thank you. you re going to get more depth of perspective of what the president means in this process
care, he was the wong in chief for his health care reform. the president doesn t want to do that either. he s the big picture guy. paul ryan is the detail guy. in many ways, this is ryancare. but no one is owning it. it s an orphan at this point until it passes. at which point the people who voted for it are going to have to take ownership. what do you think? there have been two efforts to reform health care. clinton and obama. . clinton was a failure. obama was a success. so far this locks a lot more like the early 90s and bill clinton.
things he wanted. it picked health care and soured the entire thing after that. at the end of the day he s walking away with people on capitol hill remembering him as somebody who didn t really want to bother to work with them all that often. i think donald trump is now facing this very steep learning curve especially with how things get done on capitol hill. he s the art of the deal guy, the big picture guy. he wants big picture ideas to sell, jim vandehei mentioned this issue in tax reform. it s very important to speaker ryan. it s very hard to explain. that s what donald trump doesn t like about it. he doesn t understand why he has to do this complicated policy maneuver when he could just in this case slap a tariff on a foreign country and be able to very easily explain that. i m interested to see how he evolves on that point. speaking of paul ryan, here is another example. you re not able this is not trump tower, and you re not the ceo that everybody bows to.
trump. well, somebody who behaves in a way that is seemingly unpresidential. i think donald trump takes it almost to the point of pride not to be overawed by the office of presidency. but he can take that too far in picking fights with too many people. if your poll numbers are tanking the way his have over the last two months, why take on more enemies. he prides himself on being a fighter and being the guy who is prepared to fight with angela merkel, a traditional ally, fight with the intelligence community, fight with john lewis, fight with meryl streep. at some point picking fights with everybody when your poll numbers are falling minimizes your pool of allies and alliances you need later on. he even understood this during the primary. there were two times he lost