Thailand shares increased Thursday, with the all-company Thailand SET Index adding 0.7% to 1,403.80. Jasmine International a technology company, was the.
Thailand shares added Wednesday, with the all-company Thailand SET Index adding 1.5% to 1,377.24. CP Axtra a retail/wholesale company, was the biggest leader.
Thailand stocks gained Tuesday, with the composite Thailand SET Index gaining 1.3% to 1,433.67. VGI a business/consumer services company, was the biggest.
Thailand shares rose Wednesday, with the all-company Thailand SET Index rising 0.4% to 1,389.58. SISB a business/consumer services company, was the biggest.
Thailand stocks fell Friday, with the all-company Thailand SET Index falling 0.6% to 1,397.79. Jasmine International a technology firm, posted the largest.