Full-service burger bar restaurant adds winning CYO Burger, debuts new beverage LTOs and brings fan favorites to its permanent menu, beginning Sept. 20
Full-service burger bar restaurant adds winning CYO Burger, debuts new beverage LTOs and brings fan favorites to its permanent menu, beginning Sept. 20
Full-service burger bar restaurant adds winning CYO Burger, debuts new beverage LTOs and brings fan favorites to its permanent menu, beginning Sept. 20
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It was predictable that most of the early online harassment would target the one Japanese member of our group. As we prepared what would become an open letter demanding retraction of Harvard Law School professor J. Mark Ramseyer’s article claiming that Korean “comfort women” were contractually bound prostitutes, we had braced ourselves for abuse. Ramseyer’s piece bolstered the ultranationalist Japanese worldview that rehabilitates Japan’s history of militarism and colonialism and denies the coercive and brutal nature of much of that era’s violence. Although it appeared in an obscure law and economics journal, the far right in Japan embraced it as “cutting edge” research.
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Prominent Harvard Professor Pilloried for Peddling Revisionist History About Wartime ‘Comfort Women’ There are three big Japanese right-wing talking points and Ramseyer has parroted them all.
A noted American professor at Harvard Law School has been denounced both at home and internationally after publishing an academic paper arguing that claims about Korean women enslaved by Japanese military forces as “comfort women” during the second world war are historically untrue.