I know, Wednesday was technically National Pancake Day. officially speaking. But if you're like me, you were holding off on your pancaky-indulgence for this Saturday, March 2, at the 2024 Kiwanis Pancake Day at Texarkana College.
I know, Wednesday was technically National Pancake Day. officially speaking. But if you're like me, you were holding off on your pancaky-indulgence for this Saturday, March 2, at the 2024 Kiwanis Pancake Day at Texarkana College.
Coming up on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, we can all celebrate National Pancake Day if you like, or you can be like me and wait just a few more days and join me at the 2024 Kiwanis Pancake Day at Texarkana College. If you're really into pancakes, you can do both.
Ok, today, Tuesday, February 21, is National Pancake Day in most places, but around here, we have our own version, and this year it takes place on Saturday, March 4.
Ok, today, Tuesday, February 21, is National Pancake Day in most places, but around here, we have our own version, and this year it takes place on Saturday, March 4.