BRENTWOOD — A medical expert called to testify for David Meehan in his trailblazing lawsuit against the state testified Thursday he will need life-long Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment costing
A medical expert called to testify for David Meehan in his trailblazing lawsuit against the state testified Thursday he will need life-long Post Traumatic Stress Disorder treatment costing up to $1.5 million.
BRENTWOOD — David Meehan’s severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the worst cases Dr. Terry Allen Kupers ever encountered in his long career treating victims of child
BRENTWOOD – In the more than 20 years since David Meehan was released from the Sununu Youth Services Center in Manchester, he’s struggled with addiction, depression and severe anxiety while
David Meehan has already spent days on the witness stand delving into what happened to him at the Sununu Youth Services Center - also known as YDC – the brutal rapes, the months of isolation, and the crippling mental and physical toll he’s lived with since.