i ll ask about red hot democrats. stay here and hear how it plays out. i m wolf blitzer here in the situation room. we ve been expecting the house to vote on raising the debt limit. but it has not happened yet. the debt deadline is looming larger than ever. the deal would raise the debt limit $900 billion in the short term and green light spending cuts of roughly the same amount over ten years. offset dollar for dollar by more spending cuts. there s a lot of huge ifs involved in making all of that happen. let s go to capitol hill. kate baldwin is standing by. what are we toll about when it will take place? of. the timing is very fluid, wolf. the question is, will this compromise bill pass the house? speaker john boehner in a press conference wouldn t answer the question when i asked him if he had enough votes. but the paul ryan seemed pretty confident this afternoon. listen to him. some have various concerns, whether it s going to prevail. i think we have a majority o