#summertimevibes #Ridgefield feeling #bubbly @bublywater find out what makes Kathy Carroll #crackasmile being #poolside #Ridgefield #swimming at #GreatPond #outdoor #concerts @Chirpct #family #patio #dining @850DegreesPizza @TerraSoleCT
and Luc s #keepingitlocal
#Ridgefield #Responds Hope for #Ukraine on Sunday in Ballard Park. The Rasom (Together) in Ridgefield community event includes food trucks, Ukrainian delicacies, Ukrainian crafts, two amazing bands playing rock and blues music, family activities such as face painting, balloon animals, woven bracelets, sunflower seed planting, speakers, t-shirts, sunflower art sales, a community embroidery project, and more.
#Hope for #Ukraine tomorrow in Ballard Park with #IraJoeFisher #family event #celebration #bands immerce yourself in the #culture #foodtrucks #crafts and more =>