Google introduced the Tensor series of chips with the Pixel 6 series in 2021. It was meant to usher in a range of chips specially tailored by Google to keep up with its class-leading AI-based software features. Just three Tensor chips in, and many of Google’s new AI features need to be off-loaded to the cloud for processing.
The newest addition to Google's signature smartphone series, Google Pixel 8, is set to launch on October 4. Google has announced an unveiling event on October 4, where the tech giant is expected to reveal their newest "Pixel portfolio of devices".
Google I/O 2023 is happening today, May 10, and will be live-streamed on Google's YouTube channel. Expect the launch of the Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold, PaLM 2, and Android 14 updates focusing on foldables, tablets.