In the next years, it is anticipated that increased emphasis on continually improving and adding new features to infotainment systems would increase demand.
/PRNewswire/ The "Global Smart Container Market (2021-2026) by Offering Type, Technology Type, Vertical Type, Geography, Competitive Analysis and the Impact.
possibilities for hackers. here s abc s chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis. reporter: an alarming new report from a u.s. senator finding millions of cars and trucks on the road could be at risk of hack attacks. watch as chuck gowdy of our chicago station wls demonstrates how a technology expert takes control of his car through this computer port. now the engine s shut off. you were able to do that with one mouse click. yes. reporter: the windshield wipers, the speedometer out of the driver s control. so can i start it? i don t know. can you? you can start it now. you did that? yea. reporter: experts say a hacker could even turn some cars into oncoming traffic, although it hasn t happened yet. the warning goes even further. a crook wouldn t even need to be in your car to gain control of it. the most vulnerable components, wireless technologies like the telematic systems like onstar and car-net.