york times magazine. we ll figure it out. i think we can focus in. i just i mean we re assigning it to ourselves. it s not an original thought by me. wain la pierre is a spokes person just like sarah huckabay sanders is a spokes person for donald trump. he s a spokes person for big finance and for people who are making tons of money on guns, and that s why his job i think his job hasmorphed through the years. there was a time when nra was about gun owners and it was about protecting gun owners and teemping gun safety, a very noble i always believed a very noble organization. at some point and i don t know exactly when, it stopped being about gun owners and started being about the profits of wall street investors in gun companies. well, and he is the voice along with dana lash.
woman. more than any real news story, hard news story with bring you. from cnn money, overnight, 91 years old, a yoga instructor. video of her teemping a yoga class. what we also can show you now, some videos on youtube taking off online. take a look at this. she s 91 years old and actually started doing yoga after the age of 50 but said age has always been a number, never thought about her age. exercised throughout her entire life, and she feels very healthy. says she never even thinks about her age. doesn t even occur to her. everyone who has seen this, no matter what age they are, write meeg they can t doty any of this now even in their mid-20s. it is a reminder how inspirational some people can be. take care of themselves.