Be supportive of his legislation month likely not theres part of both legislation i like and dont like and that was i was hoping during this period to continue the two items that well accompany with compromises we didnt get that plaster of what i dont like about supervisor campos legislation is the 60 days limitation i feel like for me listening to some of the stories that i note that all of us have heard similar stories 60 days is too short and that is something i prefer not to support 65 days is better than 60 and supervisor farrells theres a lot of things in it there but and it is just a matter of a difference of opinion it doesnt feel like its enforceable at this point, im hoping if it passes it i could be wrong but want to be clear that there are good about the points to both of the legislation and thank you u thank you supervisor yee for clarity supervisor christensen duplicate the file in other words, to send the duplicate file back to the committee with the amendment that passe
Cap in existence to legislation. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Okay. Colleagues for item number 6 is everyone clear looks like were all clear item 6 madam clerk call the roll commissioner avalos supervisor breed no supervisor campos supervisor christensen no supervisor cowen no supervisor farrell no supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang no supervisor wiener no supervisor yee there are 5 is and 690s with supervisor breed supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor tang and supervisor wiener in the descent this ordinance fails colleagues seeing no other names on the roster members of the public can i please remove your sign can you please lower your signs thank you very much madam clerk on item no. 7 as amended can you please call the roll. Supervisor avalos no supervisor breed supervisor campos no supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim no supervisor mar no supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee no there are 6 is and 5 nos with supervisor ava
Madam clerk please call the roll specifically on sending the duplicate file back to committee. Commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee there are 11 is. The duplicate file used amended going basis to Committee Supervisor campos. Thank you madam president and in light of supervisor yees comments id like to make one final amendment to my ordinance amending that 60 day cap be 75 days i make that motion. Supervisor campos has made a motion to amend item 6 from 60 to 75 days seconded by supervisor yee colleagues can we take that without objection without objection this item passes. At this point colleagues seeing none, no other names on the roster does anyone need a recap on what were doing here today so item number 6 well take item 6 first and for clarity item 7 will does not have a cap specifically it will remain as is for the existing law
Amendment to the municipal codes and items 8 through 32 maybe amend by continued to july 21st when considered for package on the First Reading arrest theres a motion to continue those items by supervisor farrell it was seconded by supervisor tang madam clerk call the roll please and to continue items to jill 21st commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee there are 11 is. Okay. Those items are continued until the next meeting madam clerk can you please call the next item. Item 33 a resolution inform retroactively to accept and expend the grants for 600,000 for the empowerment funds for the job connect program. Colleagues, can we take those amendments without objection well take that without objection. The resolution is adapted item 34 an ordinance for calling for a special election in San Francisco on tuesday november 3rd, 2015, for the p
County back to the county line and all the counties into West Virginia and back across the divide into Garrett County, certainly going to be a great snow for the mountains and ski resorts which will be fantastic news for them. For us start time 6 a. M. To 9 a. M. , snow or mix changes to rain between noon and 3 p. M. From the district, in the immediate metro area, the snow and mix hanging on Frederick North and west and also winchester north and west, mainly snow for the mountains. You may end in sleet. How much we talking about . Maybe a trace in the district. If youre in southern maryland, i dont think youll see anything. You might see some flakes, maybe 1 2inch to an inch toward leesburg and up towards winchester but the bulls eye right along the masondixon line with 7, 8 inches up toward oakland and back down toward timberline. One Thing Holding us back are the surface temperatures. Its 37 now in leesburg and manassas, 39 downtown and 40 over in annapolis. Well come back, show you