e or fair than the one we saw in this country two years ago. that s what you have heard a lot. joe biden got years more vots than any president ever., at l eighty one million atea t . and every single one of thosf es votes was entirely real. anyery maletirely real. kind. to a every mail in ballot belonged to a real person who voted just once. no, dropbox was stuffed. nobody coach dementia patients in nursing homes to vote the democratic line. even vladimir puti vladimir pn somehow decided to stay out of that election. tech oligarch mux. mark zuckerberg didg get involved. he spent four hundred million dollarspentmechanics to controly the mechanics of the election. but for the very best reasons, e mark zuckerberg wanted to keepat voters safe from the deadly coronaviruo keep vs. his reward is in heaven. and above all, in case you were wonderinyog, voting machines around this country recorded with flawless precision. the machines counted. each votes cast for each candidate and a
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