launches his 2024 g.o.p. campaign. we are going to need to rediscover the national identity that we all share ashbury university is planning to end its 24/7 religious revival. over 50,000 people have traveled to the area to participate. when some people gather with this much love in their heart, it s amazing. i glorious glorious got a chance to start again i was confident, confident. ainsley: it is glorious there. is that not a beautiful shot? the sun coming up there in maine this morning. and that is a nice scene to wake up to. what beautiful colors the oranges and the blues together and the sand there. we are actually live in kentucky. which is another beautiful place where everyone here is so nice. we have been treated with such southerns wh hospitality down he and great place ashbury university. brian: unlike new york. people are actually nice. ashley: a lot different. slower drivers but nicer people here. ashbury university will more, kentucky. this i
to east coast where you are seeing some sort of winter storm advisory. you are seeing some of those blizzard conditions and severe storms further south. this is some slowly moves off on thursday. still blizzard-like conditions across the upper midwest with storms across the southeast and mid-atlantic and then this system drifts up into interior england on friday where you will see lingering storms. where will you see snow? where will you just see rain and storms? there is where the storm will fall over the next couple of days. those are your weather headlines. ainsley, tawfersing it back inside to you. ainsley: still no snow for new york. thank you, adam great to see you. retired navy seal says victims are becoming the majority in america. his warning about woke culture and tips to be a warrior. that s next. of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel?
66 degrees in new york. a lot of very comfortable mild temperatures here on this friday as we head into what s mostly going to be a beautiful easter weekend. brian, those are your weather headlines for now, tawfersing it back in to you. brian: adam, i owe you a favor, thank you so much. you know, spring is now in full swing. lifestyle expert who has got a great lifestyle himself skip biddle is live on fox square with tips and tools you need to get ready for the outdoors. first have skip come over and do it. go further with the power and range of a lexus hybrid. whoa.