A transport department official said the last Premier Padmini was registered as a black-and-yellow taxi at the Tardeo RTO, which has jurisdiction over the island city of Mumbai, on October 29, 2003.
For decades, if one had to conjure up a picture of Mumbai, the imagery would be incomplete without the city's Premier Padmini' taxis. For, the public carriers, fondly called kaali-peeli', were more than just a mode of transport.
For decades, if one had to conjure up a picture of Mumbai, the imagery would be incomplete without the city’s ‘Premier Padmini’ taxis. For, the public carriers, fondly.
This transition comes shortly after the phasing out of the last iconic diesel-powered double-decker buses in the fleet of public transporter Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) undertaking due to the end of their 15-year codal life., Mumbai News, Times Now