Actress Kangana Ranaut, who is known for taking a dig at Bollywood biggies, has dropped a shocking post on Instagram where she talks about a farzi Bollywood jodi . She claims that the husband married for movie promotions and not for love and is now trying to break free. Details inside!, Entertainment News, Times Now
Actress Shanthi Priya was the first heroine of Akshay Kumar in the 1991 film Saugandh. A few years back, the actress, who had quit the film industry to focus on her family. reached out to Akshay Kumar to make a comeback in the films. However, he ghosted her, according to the actress. Here s how things unfold., Entertainment News, Times Now
In a proud moment, The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched the Chandrayaan 3. Now, the first visuals of the launch have taken over social media and Indian celebs are only feeling proud after witnessing the historic moment. , Entertainment News, Times Now
Alanna Panday recently used AI to know what her and Ivor McCray s future baby would look like . As she dropped the video, it sparked her pregnancy rumours. Details inside!, Entertainment News, Times Now
TV Newsmakers Today: If you had a busy day and missed all the exciting news from the telly world, then don t fret as we are back with the latest edition of TV Newsmakers Today. So, scroll down for your daily dose of entertainment. , Entertainment News, Times Now