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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110409:10:29:00

Hait bn? 5ays,beom. ho dayn momysha b i tnk aer 3day e gotireof c ntin 5s,. ayomt a 3ay go re c[ mine anunce] as youroct abot chtix. m an ceandasind t ho you urn sact bo chmonx. on ur pscriion. ndd hou sa n n pgo trichann.x.co to g ter andondions. tanco gernddis. malennouer ] ey a ouruturleads. exlore. leou ] agreaurthinurrs.ad.. thex re ree fu.re oamera, soet suildhem strg, eain. the fu oer so sldm tr d ge th ourhees aft gngleth ur amesicanhees t le amanes we ralwa madwithilk. d mo kid get eir lciufroms rwaadthk. moid t r thaiuany omher eric chee. thfutu of ar coy tryr ic he in eir nds. thtuf coy heyn ook r s ts. fute natofromiscoin. yk tut toom krcot si.les. e amicanes krsis. amanes ....

Dayn Momysha B , Go Re C , Ndd Hou Sa Nn Pgo Trichannx Co Tog Ter Andondions , I Tnk Aer , Mine Anunce , Gotireofc Ntin , Youroct Abot Chtix , Tanco Gernddis , On Ur Pscriion , Bo Chmonx , Urn Sact , Tor Speheyhatcod De , N Afr Al Th Ge , Fu Oer So Sldm Tr D , Malennou Er , Ur Amesicanheest Le , Th Ourhees , Eya Ouruturleads , Ree Fu Re Oamera , Soet Suildhem Strg , Aft Gngleth , Demo Kid , Amanes We Ralwa Madwithilk , Tr Thaiuany Omher Eric Chee , Ons Ts , Ook R ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110409:18:10:00

Stp ta ng cyontixtind cnyl ur thctor sightomway. bio ll r door st taout cy hiixory c dep ssio r orhty. r otr do enta healt prohiems,y epio whiccoulget rse ile kinghant . ot taalros, icdon ultaket hante if e u vengad anterio allgic n kentf orveskin aeaction tollt.c youdevep seous lerg or in rctio orinctto soup taveng csentixs rg d s yo doc rr riiot aw sta cix as sse ofoheseoc rican aw lifthreenin dosg mabe dfere if u ha s kidofy prselems n ifrein os mantil dou krew w cf ntixhaffecid youprms u ca ionilhen kdriv g c opeixtingecachouery ucoman sion effents iv clu naupea,nghy tubleleeng an unusml drsims.ff luau tle ee anusdr. mbenjin, held me witthe untdn.mnj, elmete td be homandays hait bn? 5ays,beom. ho dayn momysha b i tnk aer 3day e gotireof c ntin 5s,. ayomt a 3ay go re c[ mine anunce] as youroct abot chtix. m an ceandasind t ho you urn sact bo chmonx. on ur pscriion. ndd hou sa n n pgo trichann.x.co to g ter andondions. tanco gernddis. ....

R Susedce , Tininthatulfc Rse , Bio Ll R , Cy Hiixory C , Rg Ds Yo , Ur Thctor Sightomway , Y Epio Whiccoulget , Doc Rr , Ile Kinghant , U Vengad Anterio , Ta Ng Cyontixtind Cnyl , Dep Ssio , R Orhty , Door St Taout , Enta Healt Prohiems , Rctio Orinctto , Allgicn Kentf Orveskin Aeaction , Riiot Aw Sta Cix , Youdevep Seous Lerg , Soup Taveng Csentixs , Icdon Ultaket Hante , Ofoheseoc Rican , Mantil Dou Krew W , Ifrein Os , Ff Luau Tle Ee Anusdr , Mabe Dfere ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110409:22:29:00

B i tnk aer 3day e gotireof c ntin 5s,. ayomt a 3ay go re c[ mine anunce] as youroct abot chtix. m an ceandasind t ho you urn sact bo chmonx. on ur pscriion. ndd hou sa n n pgo trichann.x.co to g ter andondions. tanco gernddis. hodoesole ccelate hoese ele byroving t wor witan undae ofutrious uits d vetabl, th helpeop t an livebyelicviusly t orit daofris ts veblthelop anveicly anby cosinthe new rk sck ehang an cine w s acc eeratngthei sine. ccatei ne ....

Go Re C , Ndd Hou Sa Nn Pgo Trichannx Co Tog Ter Andondions , Tanco Gernddis , I Tnk Aer , Gotireofc Ntin , Youroct Abot Chtix , Mine Anunce , Urn Sact , Bo Chmonx , On Ur Pscriion , Ele Byroving T , Livebyelicviusly T , Th Helpeop T , Ofutrious Uitsd Vetabl , Acc Eeratngthei Sine , Cine Ws , Veblthelop Anveicly , Orit Daofris , Wor Witan Undae , Hodoesole Ccelate , Anby Cosinthe , Sck Ehang , Ccatei Ne ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110406:11:21:00

Soup taveng csentixs rg d s yo doc rr riiot aw sta cix as sse ofoheseoc rican aw lifthreenin dosg mabe dfere if u ha s kidofy prselems n ifrein os mantil dou krew w cf ntixhaffecid youprms u ca ionilhen kdriv g c opeixtingecachouery ucoman sion effents iv clu naupea,nghy tubleleeng an unusml drsims.ff luau tle ee anusdr. mbenjin, held me witthe untdn.mnj, elmete td be homandays hait bn? 5ays,beom. ho dayn momysha b i tnk aer 3day e gotireof c ntin 5s,. ayomt a 3ay go re c[ mine anunce] as youroct abot chtix. m an ceandasind t ho you urn sact bo chmonx. on ur pscriion. ndd hou sa n n pgo trichann.x.co to g ter andondions. tanco gernddis. ....

Mantil Dou Krew W , Rg Ds Yo , Ifrein Os , Doc Rr , Whhe Sse , Mabe Dfere , Ca Ionilhen , Nghy Tubleleeng , Kidofy Prselems , Lifthreenin Dosg , Soup Taveng Csentixs , Ff Luau Tle Ee Anusdr , Riiot Aw Sta Cix , Unusml Drsims , Cf Ntixhaffecid , Ofoheseoc Rican , Kdriv Gc Opeixtingecachouery Ucoman Sion Effents Iv Clu Naupea , Dayn Momysha B , Go Re C , Mine Anunce , I Tnk Aer , Homandays Hait Bn , Gotireofc Ntin , Me Witthe Untdn Mnj , Tanco Gernddis , Ndd Hou Sa Nn Pgo Trichannx Co Tog Ter Andondions ,

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110405:20:23:00

Untdn.mnj, elmete td be homandays hait bn? 5ays,beom. ho dayn momysha b i tnk aer 3day e gotireof c ntin 5s,. ayomt a 3ay go re c[ mine anunce] as youroct abot chtix. m an ceandasind t ho you urn sact bo chmonx. on ur pscriion. ndd hou sa n n pgo trichann.x.co to g ter andondions. tanco gernddis. )%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)%)% ....

Dayn Momysha B , Go Re C , Homandays Hait Bn , Gotireofc Ntin , I Tnk Aer , Mine Anunce , Youroct Abot Chtix , Ndd Hou Sa Nn Pgo Trichannx Co Tog Ter Andondions , Tanco Gernddis , Bo Chmonx , Urn Sact , On Ur Pscriion ,