how the talking point flais out. john boehner says he disagrees with barton language. the republican leader doesn t necessarily agree with the shakedown via the fund. it will be interest interesting looking into campaign corrections and how many of those people who describe it as a shakedown are getting krik inting contributi oil industry and bp. from washington to the gulf coast where there s more reaction today to the company s latest apologies for the disaster. nbc s charles hadlock is in venice, louisiana. charles, a lot to talk about with folks in louisiana. what are you hearing so far in terms of the meeting at the white house and already tony hayward on capitol hill? reporter: well, contessa, this is a part of the country that the word rugged individualism is possibly coined. these people make their living off the water and the habitat that is now stained with oil. so they don t like those comments from the bp ceo that