bill: winter soltis. shortest day of the year. evergreen trees they don t die giving presents. bill: do you like the winter soltis. yes. bill: celebrate t we do. bill: can you celebrate winter soltis. yes. bill: anyway you want. the way you celebrate christmas the government can t take sides. the government doesn t this is a good or bad religion. the government can t say this is a christmas tree. bill: it is a fact that christianity is not a religion it is a philosophy. if the government were saying that the methodist religion, all right, deserves a special place in the public square i will be on your side. so you are going to actually tell me on live television that christianity is not a religion? bill: correct it is a philosophy. you and i are fundamentally going to disagree on that point. bill: you are wrong. that s fine you can call me that. catholicism is a religion. judaism are a recognition.
atheist organizations. were us now david silverman. president of the atheist group. thanks for having me. i m really trying to get and i m not trying to be a wise guy here. i will deal with the hard stuff with governor chafeee tomorrow. i m trying to give you a point of view here. you are an atheist. i respect that. i don t look down on you. i don t think you are pinhead. thank you. bill: if you want to atheist that s why we have america. be with it. why are you messing around with my holiday? is there a compelling reason for you mess around with it? we are not messing around with anything. we are stopping the government from preferring one religion over another. bill: stop there. no. bill: no, no, no. you listen to me and then you answer my questions. i m trying to answer your questions. go ahead. bill: what religion is involved with christmas? what religion? christianity. bill: that s not a religion. that s a philosophy. okay. so, since the dawn of time the wi
bill: got it. sir, you would have a problem with it. bill: no i would not. i m challenge you on that. bill: you are challenging me? you don t know me. yes do i know you. i watch your show. bill: that s ridiculous. it wouldn t be right either because the governor is not in a position. bill: winter soltis is not a religion. it s a holiday. if he wants to put winter soltis up on his office door, i have got no problem with it? actually it s a celestial event and you are right it would be secular. if you put up there in god. bill: i just said jesus christ he was a man. christmas tree is secular symbol. nothing to do with christianity. what s that first word? bill: secular symbol. christmas. christmas tree. christmas is a trims tree. bill: this is so unreasonable you are so unreasonable. no i m not unreasonable. bill: it s frightening bill. it s not unreasonable. the government has to be fair and not take sides. everybody is equal. everybody has the sa
we demand equality from the government and our constitutional right and you should be demanding it along with me. bill: your equality is assured. nobody sin fringing on your equality. we ll be taking darwin day out next year. bill: take winter soltis off and knock yourself out nobody is going to stop you. i have to take off christmas because it s a mandated federal holiday. bill: you run this organization, right? you run this atheist organization. i run american atheist. bill: keep it open. it will be open on christmas day. bill: you contradicted yourself for the 18th time. i said 99% are open. bill: when we come right back, miller time. hot one this evening sandra flukeeeee
religions. bill: winter soltis. shortest day of the year. evergreen trees they don t die giving presents. bill: do you like the winter soltis. yes. bill: celebrate t we do. bill: can you celebrate winter soltis. yes. bill: anyway you want. the way you celebrate christmas the government can t take sides. the government doesn t this is a good or bad religion. the government can t say this is a christmas tree. bill: it is a fact that christianity is not a religion it is a philosophy. if the government were saying that the methodist religion, all right, deserves a special place in the public square i will be on your side. so you are going to actually tell me on live television that christianity is not a religion? bill: correct it is a philosophy. you and i are fundamentally going to disagree on that point. bill: you are wrong. that s fine you can call me that. catholicism is a religion.