As against a budget of Rs 90 crore, Crew has fetched Rs 112 crore, which means a return on investment of nearly 25 percent for this Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon. Details
The biggest USP of Crew at the moment is the star-cast padded with a hit song, which will give it a reasonable start, and its then on the content to do the talking. Detailed Report
You must have heard the stories of many Bollywood sisters. But, perhaps 90 percent of the people do not know about the story of the star sisters we want to tell you about today. People know that they are real sisters, but you would hardly know that both of them had entered the industry together. Both actresses became popular when they came into the industry but one became a superhit and the other, despite being a hit, was forced to live in obscurity.