In Bengaluru, a gold class ticket for the latest ‘Spiderman’ film costs Rs 878 today. In the 1950s, you could watch a Hollywood film for just four annas (25 paise). That is an astronomical increase, and just one of the many reasons veteran film buffs miss the good old days.
In Bengaluru, a gold class ticket for the latest ‘Spiderman’ film costs Rs 878 today. In the 1950s, you could watch a Hollywood film for just four annas (25 paise). That is an astronomical increase, and just one of the many reasons veteran film buffs miss the good old days.
In Bengaluru, a gold class ticket for the latest ‘Spiderman’ film costs Rs 878 today. In the 1950s, you could watch a Hollywood film for just four annas (25 paise). That is an astronomical increase, and just one of the many reasons veteran film buffs miss the good old days.