swagger wing. people from the outside and evangelicals and tribes within evangelicals. by the wing, i mean, the politically activated mobilized sort of conknstituency going ba to the preregagegan era. that s really important in places such as iowa because these people are likely to get out and vote and even more so to get out and caucus. by the billy graham, evangelical of people and politically. the sort of people tempted to disengage because they want to preserve and preserve the
we love the art of the deal but the bible is far, far, far superior, yes. joshua 2415 on the wall, choose you this day whom you will serve as for me and my house, we will serve the lord. to the best of my knowledge not too many evangelicals come from florida. a new poll shows more than a third of iowa and talk to voters when it comes to presidential elections and republican candidates joining me now and author on president of southern baptist, director institute of former political reporter. dr. moore, i want to ask you, when it comes to the gop candidates and jerry fall well wing and trump leading the swagger wing.