ELLINGTON TWP. — A 35-year-old Caro woman was ticketed after losing control of a minivan on Sunday night, striking the Ellington Township hall along M-81, according to Michigan State Police.
Ellington Township approves pay increases
Mary Drier, For the Tribune
April 14, 2021
ELLINGTON TOWNSHIP Starting this month the Ellington Township Board of Trustees will receive a 10% wage increase in their annual salary.
Although he voted against it, the rest of the board supported increasing Supervisor Russell Speirs’ salary to $10,992.
They also approved a 10% increase for Clerk Suzy Rockwell, which brings her salary to $11,254, Treasurer Carmel Pattullo’s salary will increase to $15,727, and Trustees Gregg Campbell and Laura Hawes will each receive $200 per meeting.
In other money matters, it was decided to add approximately $2,000 more to the winter taxes for drain at-large work to be done on Butternut Creek, Deerlick and Branches, Miller, Morse, Tracy and Webster drains.