Ananya Kumar, a resident said, “The situation on Sampige Road calls for urgent attention and a plan to address the root causes of the problem. Right now, it’s not just about inconvenience but also about safety for the pedestrians who rely on this pathway. It’s essential to find a lasting solution and ensure that taxpayers’ money is put to good use for a more reliable and safer environment.”
Results from the first session of Late-Breaking Clinical Trials were presented on Oct. 31 during The VEINS conference, hosted in Las Vegas, NV, announced by the VIVA Foundation.
/PRNewswire/ The VIVA Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of vascular medicine and intervention through education and.
Details on late-breaking clinical trials to be presented during The VEINS (Venous Endovascular INterventional Strategies) and VIVA (Vascular InterVentional Advances) Annual Conference have been announced. Leading physicians and researchers will present results from 21 clinical trials, from Monday, October 31, to Wednesday, November 2, at Wynn Las Vegas.